Hello once again to my blog all you awesome people of the Internet! :) So I just got on the computer barely three seconds ago and saw that I had 333 pageveiws! Now, you may be wondering what is so special about that. It's that it's triple of the same number and I feel lucky to have stumbled upon it. Anyways back to my day today and other topics.
So I was in the car on my was to practice when I heard on the radio that a certain festival was coming to America... I give you Running With The Bulls USA! Okay, let me just say that I am so confused. What in the heck where these people thinking??? 90% of the people who get injured in this festival are amateurs a.k.a Americans who's egos, pride, dares, and drunkenness make them think they are just as good as the professionals. I think that once this officially arrives in America it's going to end badly.
Other than that my day has been pretty relaxing. I found on Demand that they released the third season of Doctor Who with David Tennant. I was excited for this because I personally have David Tennant as my favorite Doctor and this was one of the good seasons. But, my TV was glitching out and not letting me watch any of the episodes, so that made me really sad. Beforehand I realized something about Doctor Who... When David Tennant was the Doctor and they introduced the weeping angels he and Martha got stuck in 1969. What confuses me is that wen Matt Smith was the Doctor and they discovered the Silence they were also in 1969. So the Doctor crossed his own timeline, and the Universe didn't end and no paradoxes.
Afterwords I just watched a bunch of episodes of America's Got Talent on Demand. My day wasn't too interesting though today. I will write on the days I have something to talk about or something exciting happened. So no promises on if I will write tomorrow all you awesome people of the Internet. Bye! :) -PurplePainter321
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